Friday, July 26, 2013

The Kid Killed My Car

I swear, kids these days.

I got a call early this morning regarding "an old hatchback" that had apparently broken down sporting a Fujiwara Tofu Shop decal on the side. We only have one delivery vehicle, so I knew it was that idiot son of mine finally getting what was coming to him. I had to rent a wrecker to come get him. He was stranded on the old Akagi mountain road of all places. I'm sure that the time he got to spend waiting for me was more than enough to contemplate just how much he'd screwed things up.

As it turns out, he's been racing that poor car against these newer fancy things on the mountain roads for fun. For fun! The nerve of these brats. He says he lost to a "Land Evo", whatever that is. Sounds Korean. I don't know what to think about that. I'm not exactly mad, considering that he seems to be already have been punished enough with the guilt of destroying my car. He even offered to pay for repairs with his paltry part time job salary. I intend to take him up on that offer, but it won't be to repair the car. He fried the engine past the point of repair. It would be more expensive to fix the existing block than it would be to just put a new engine in there, so that's what I'll eventually do. Until then, he's going to be using a bicycle for deliveries and earning my forgiveness.

Apologies to customers for longer delivery times. This is a temporary inconvenience and we will be waiving delivery fees to compensate.

How is it that his child could be possessed to race a 10-year-old car against these newfangled crayola cars with big power and no spirit? I bought that car brand new with my hard earned money when the brat wasn't even in preschool. He should show a little respect for the elderly.


  1. as good as this is bud bunta never got a call about the car being on the side of the road he had said he came because he had a feeling

    1. What I said publicly about "having a feeling" and what actually happened are two different things. I'm not psychic. There were many people watching the events that transpired that night, and I received a phone call as a result from one of them that was nice enough to pull a phone number after checking the sticker on the side of the car.
